Friday, January 30, 2009


I was talking to a friend tonight about when I had Nathan I got into a bad habbit after he was born I would have a hard time going to sleep at night. The dark plays horrible games with your mind. I would have bad dreams I would wake up thinking I could hear a baby cry. I could not shut my mind off to go to sleep. So I started to watch TV until I would just fall asleep. The TV had to stay on. So ten years later Gary says it is time to take the TV out of the room. He feels like he has not got a good night sleep because it is on all night. So out goes the TV. Well I find myself sleeping on the couch alot so I can have that TV on so I can sleep. Crazy I know. So this friend suggested to me to journal at night. She said you don't have to put it in a journal because there are days you might want to write down your frustrations and you might want to rip it up after because you don't want anyone to read it but she said it might help get things off my mind. So we will have to try it out. I feel bad when my older kids go to school and they find me sleeping on the couch.


  1. Life throws so many challenges in our lives. But, the trick is to try to overcome them. You may want to try singing primary songs to yourself or thinking of the words to hymns. Sometimes that helps me when I can't seem to stop worrying about things. I love ya! At least Gary will get some sleep.....then he can take care of things while you are napping during the day. JK

  2. I like to sleep with a little background noise, but NOT the TV. I use nature sounds. You might want to try melatonin (herb that promotes sleep) Love ya!
