Sunday, February 1, 2009


Well, Scott has his girlfriend over tonight to watch the Superbowl. I have had to leave the room a few times to laugh. It is really funny to watch him interact with her. I am not ready for this yet. I wish he would wait another 10 years. She seems like a really cute girl. I am just not ready for the seriousness of a girlfriend. I sure liked it when he dated around and not just having a steady girlfriend. We just pray for him constantly. He is a good kid he just is not thinking clearly. I think his head is a little fogged up. After meeting all of us she might just brake it off with him. Then we don't have to worry about him.


  1. LOL Then you wake up right? Ha ha, you won't have to worry until the next girl he meets or the next little experience he gets himself into! I know of what I speak. Didn't get all these grey hairs for nothing!!!! LOL He is a good kid and you are good parents. You are right. They are at the stage in life about all you can do is pray! Love ya! Keep your chin up! ;0)

  2. I definitely know what you mean! I hope we get through the teenage years with only gray hair! Teenagers are fun!
