Thursday, February 26, 2009

Valentines Day

I love holidays. This year Valentines started on Friday for me. I made treat bags for my kids, and took them to there school and the office delivered the valentines to my kids. Gary took me to dinner and a movie. On Valentines we went to Jr jazz games and young men's basketball. We then took cookies around to family and kicked them at the doors. Then we came home and had a candle light dinner with the kids. They love it. We have them go around the table and tell each person one reason why they love them. The kids love this tradition we have been doing this for at least 12 years. One year I didn't do the dinner and we took the kids out to dinner they were so upset that the next night we had the dinner. Gary always gives me a hard time about valentines he says this holiday is for lovers not your kids. I just tell him it is a day to express your love to the people you love.


  1. I need to be better about the Valentines thing. I have to agree with Gary(that way I won't feel bad if I don't do anything). My parents didn't really do anything for us on Valentines. So, I just get them a little treat. But, this year we did have a Valentines breakfast. It was fun.

  2. HA! That's the same thing Rick says! We didn't do anything for Valentines this year...I missed your cookies, though!
