Saturday, July 11, 2009

Seven Random things about me!

I was tagged so here I go!

1. I broke my arm in second grade on a trampoline. My friend drove me home on her bike. When they took me to the hospital and they got the x-ray's mixed up with another Amy Reed and was going to take me into surgery. Then they realized the mistake thank heavens. All they had to do was put me to sleep to set the arm. When i got the cast off it smelled so bad I pucked all over the Dr.

2. I love Hawaii. I thought I would hate it because I was so fat. But it was awesome. I dream about it all the time. It was so relaxing.

3. I wrote in my journal in 9th grade that I was going to marry Gary Jackson. When i found out he got married I was going to tear that page out, but I never did. Then guess what we ended up together.

4. I have always wanted to run a 5k. I hope I can get my weight of so I can do that. (now I said it I have to do it.)

5. I love the ocean especially in Hawaii. it is so pretty and you can even see your feet. The water is so clear. I loved snorkeling in the ocean. That was awesome. We seen turtles and all different kinds of fish. ( I usually I am a little nervous in water. But Salt water helps you float)

6. I used to hate to read when I was younger, but know I love it.

7. I wish I could sing. I can't carry a tune but in the next life I am going to be a singer. Taylor always says I should sing in sacrament he said I would bring everyone to tears not from my voice but tears of laughter. It is said when they are young they love to sing with me. until they would go to preschool and realize that mom can't sing and then they no more want to sing with mom.


  1. I love ya! Can I run the 5K with you?

  2. I am sure you are part of a choir of angels right now! I love you and miss you more than you could ever imagine. I am so grateful that you always asked me to sing for all the things that you were involved in. You were one of my biggest fans. It meant the world to me then...but especially now. I was so honored to be able to sing for your funeral. I will forever be grateful for all the wonderful memories you gave me. I am a better person for knowing you! I am STILL blessed by the little things you brought into my life. I will never forget you dear Amy! Peace, Love and Donny Osmond!!!
